Joshua Edwards Worship

U nto I Am

The King of the Jews,
and Ruler of gentile sons of men
Makes Abraham’s seed,
One with the branch now grafted in
All wash their robes
in the pure perfect lifeblood of the Lamb
Dark crimson stain,
made spotless again because of I AM

Sealed are the twelve of Israel’s
broken scattered sons
Of every tribe and people and nation
and every tongue
Angels and elders,
the Four living creatures cannot stand
When they look to the King,
with a loud voice they sing unto I AM

Salvation belongs to God and the Lamb
All blessing honor,
glory and power to You,
unto You I AM

Jesus our Shepherd will show us the way
to streams of life
And He’ll wipe away every tear
from our eyes
We’ll no longer hunger,
every longing will be fulfilled in Him
When the trial is done,
I know we  overcome because of I AM

We lift our branches up to Him,
all voices lifted up to Him
We give the glory unto Him
for He  alone is worthy

For He alone is worthy,
for He alone is worthy
For He alone is worthy,
He is Christ, Christ the Lord